Friday, April 29, 2005

pesach and shavous

In the Hagada we find four son's and the Rasha (wicked) son asks a question "What is this avodah (divine service) for you?" The hagada is troubled by this question.
In the hagada Kol Aryeh he explains that the holy zohar and holy ari' talk at great lenth about the spiritual redemtion. Klal yisroel descending to 49th level of tumah (impurity) and so they escaped and in 49 days to shavous they were metaken those levels. SO the Geula is on two levels. Geulas hakuf vhanefesh. The rasha does not deny the geulas haguf. He would a historical revisionist a denier. But he does not care for and accept the geulas hanefesh and because he does not care he would have not made it out of metzrayim. The ikkur geula is the geulas hanefesh. But why must we knock out his teeth what does his teeth have to do with it?
In the hagaada shel immrei emes from the spinka dynasty, it explains many peshatim. One is that the rasha does mitzvos, but when it comes to his teeth to eating and drinking he does not care to engage in a seudas mitzva. Perhaps he is a nice guy but he has not used his teeth for avodas hashem so we have issues with his teeth. Another pshat is that the teeth are sometimes revealed sometimes concealed. This hints that he is a rasha who is both revealed and concealed. We must bring the reshus out into the open in order to correct it.
May we be zoche to the geula shlema bmhara vyameinu.
Good yom tov.
Modern Chassidish.


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