Siyum Hashas: The good, the bad.....Artscroll
Much controversy has been surronding the siyum Hashas in the blogsphere. Gil Student, A talmid Chacham of a high caliber, has annonced he is not attending. (
In addition, Dovbear from also will not attend. He linked an article from a rabbi who is boycotting the siyum. SO let's discuss the issues. What are the pros and cons of learning daf hayomi. Here at we are commited to spreading out toras chassidus. How does daf hayomi fit in the picture?
It is known that rav nachman of bresslov mentiones that one should be able to even do a cursuryy learning of every portion of torah. Like a traveler who can claim I've been around the world, one can say I've been every place in torah. SO it seems that even daf yomi with its weakness of superficial understanding should be done as per rav nachman.
Let me mention that the lubavitcher rebbe's chitas cycle of can be done on This would give a person the background to learn and strenghten the ten sferos along with the ten mivzaim. more details of this on
Of course, ideally one should learn shas biyun. Remember that by learning rambam one is learning torah shbal peh.
Lastly, in derech chochma by the ramchal he cites a plan of ones learning. One should learn tanch, mishna, then gemara then nistar.
So, An option is to do rambam cycle first while having an iyun seder along with chitas. Afterwords one moves to daf yomi. The point is daf yomi should not replave iyun and lumdus. It should not replace limud halacha.
If daf yomi supplements other areas of learning its good. If it compromises it it is bad.
A side note: I was not able to post divrei torah in a while. I hope to get back to it shortly.
In addition, Dovbear from also will not attend. He linked an article from a rabbi who is boycotting the siyum. SO let's discuss the issues. What are the pros and cons of learning daf hayomi. Here at we are commited to spreading out toras chassidus. How does daf hayomi fit in the picture?
It is known that rav nachman of bresslov mentiones that one should be able to even do a cursuryy learning of every portion of torah. Like a traveler who can claim I've been around the world, one can say I've been every place in torah. SO it seems that even daf yomi with its weakness of superficial understanding should be done as per rav nachman.
Let me mention that the lubavitcher rebbe's chitas cycle of can be done on This would give a person the background to learn and strenghten the ten sferos along with the ten mivzaim. more details of this on
Of course, ideally one should learn shas biyun. Remember that by learning rambam one is learning torah shbal peh.
Lastly, in derech chochma by the ramchal he cites a plan of ones learning. One should learn tanch, mishna, then gemara then nistar.
So, An option is to do rambam cycle first while having an iyun seder along with chitas. Afterwords one moves to daf yomi. The point is daf yomi should not replave iyun and lumdus. It should not replace limud halacha.
If daf yomi supplements other areas of learning its good. If it compromises it it is bad.
A side note: I was not able to post divrei torah in a while. I hope to get back to it shortly.
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