Friday, December 10, 2004

What is Chassidus?

This is a fundamental question. The answer is the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his followers. This includes a broad amount of works that are often unheard of and neglected outside of Chassidic circles.
The works attributed to the Baal Shem Tov: Kesser Shem Tov, Toldos, BASH on Torah and more.
The Works Of the Maggid of mezeritch.
The works of the lubavitch sect of chassidm. (spans seven generations of rebbuhas and the chassidim are still teaching).
The noam elimelch.
The kedushas levi.
The Ger Dynasty (including sefas emes).
And many many more.
Here at we will scratch the surface to expose the light of the chassidc gems that have been covered only to long.


Blogger DovBear said...

What is Chassidus?

borderline apikorsus? Don't take my word for it. The VILNA GAON said it first!

1:12 PM  
Blogger modern chassidish said...

Please cite your references. Where can I find a direct quote from the Gaon? And what do you mean by borderline and by apikursis?

6:17 PM  
Blogger DovBear said...

ill look it up

12:36 PM  
Blogger modern chassidish said...

I did. There is no such quote its a Dovbear Misquote. Its called migaleh panim Betorah shelo kehalacha. If there was a quote you would have have to cite it. But the Gra never wrote such things.

12:38 PM  
Blogger DovBear said...

You are boring me 'bro.

The Gaon EXCOMMUNICATED the hasidim; his personal students wrote fiery polemiocs denouncing them.

Dont be naive. HAsidut is just another type of reform Jew.

5:54 AM  
Blogger modern chassidish said...

There are several problems with your claim.
1) you don't provide sources.
2) Even if it was true, chassidus has evolved and responded to its critics. Hence, what may have been chassidim and chassidus in the time of the baal shem has changed. So the question is does one apply what was said 200 years ago to now? The answer is no.
3) As I mentioned in this post chassidus is a broad mass of judaic literature. Your claim that it is all bad is based on ignorance and not knoweledge. I challenge yoou to experience what chassidus has to offer. And when I get more time I'll provide more snipshots of chassidus.
4) why would a luminary like Rav Yoshe Ber soloveichik qoute "apikorsus"? Maybe he is right and you are wrong? Maybe. A possibility I am sure you don't ever consider.

6:42 AM  

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