Thursday, February 03, 2005

Isreali politics

What is going on in Israel is disturbing. Why would anyone trust Abu Mazen to curb terror? A palestenian state would not bring freesom and democracy. Instead, it would empower the terrorist and legitimize and create more terror. Here at we are asking for your help to our Israeli brothers who are threaten spiritually and pysically. Here is a list of people for you to contact and tell them how you feel.

Political LeadersUNITED STATESPresident George W. Bush: president@whitehouse.govPhone: 202-456-1414Comment line: 202-456-1111Fax: 202-456-2883
Vice President Richard Cheney: vice.president@whitehouse.govPhone: 202-456-2326Fax: 202-456-7044
Secretary of State Colin Powell: secretary@state.govPhone: 202-647-5291Fax: 202-736-4461
US Ambassador to the United Nations John D. Negroponte: usunpress@state.govPhone: 212-415-4050Fax: 212-415-4443
National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleeza RicePhone: 202-456-1414Fax: 202-456-2883
US CongressUS Capitol switchboard: 202 224-3121 (ask for your Senator or Congressman). Search for your US Senator or Congressional representative by state or by name.
US House of Representatives:
US Senate:
ISRAELPrime Minister Ariel Sharon:
Israeli members of Knesset (members of parliament):
UNITED NATIONSUN Secretary General Kofi Annan: inquiries@un.orgPhone: (212) 963-4475

Please write to these people.

In addition, please donate funds that help israeli terror victems.
Thank you,
Modern Chassidish