Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Parshas Vayeshev

Yosef Hatzadik in this week's parsha has dreams or perhaps visions. (It is interesting that the most popular word in bussiness is vision. One would think that this was reserved for prophets or religious people...). He revealed two dreams to his brothers and the second dream he revealed in the presence of his father. His father denounces the dream and the torah tells us His father was shomer the davar. Why would yaakov be shomer on a dream that he has denounced. what does this imply? (ayin Rashi and kesser Shem Tov Introduction). To be continued.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Spinka Rov

I was zoche to spend some time this weekend with the Spinka Rov. He is the Rebbuha's son from Yerushalayim. It was quite an experience. I will be sharing dvrai Torah soon. But first, he related to us that Hashem does kindness to us always. If we are good or bad, thankful or unthankful we get plenty from him. I said "Der abeshter feert da velt" (Hashem runs the world). He told me if you believe this, then you will see it.

Monday, November 08, 2004

why chassidus

here is a question for all of you. Why study chassidus? I am interested in hearing what you think.